Sep 2, 2006


6:00am flights. Wow, what was I thinking. Everything at this point annoys me. The biggest thing at the airport that set me off are people who crowd me. We need to post some rules on how to stand in a line. If I swing my bag around to put it on my shoulder and hits two people, they are too close and its there fault. And why is it always Asian guys that do this? This morning, while standing in the security line, I was being crowded by not one but two frail older asian guys. So what did I do? I purposely readjusted my bag and clocked both of them in the stomachs. I turned around and gave them my patented head shake. Surprisingly they backed off for about 2-3 minutes until one of them stepped on my flip flop....I wasn't walking at the time. Well, I readjusted my bag again, hit them again and I turned around again and did another head shake. This honestly went on for 10 minutes. Apparently they were a part of a large Chinese tour (or the 2006 graduating class of MIT) and nobody had a clue what was going on in their group. Watching them trying unpack and go through the screening gates was too much fun.

Now I need to go find some scissors so I can put on my patch.

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