Aug 1, 2006

Crazy People

This is the shit that I have to put up with everyday. This is one of our insureds who claims that his vehicle was stolen and then in an accident. Well the accident happened close to the border, so we decided to check the logs from the border patrol to see if his car crossed the border. Well it did, and his name and ID was checked and copied due to some issues at the border, during the time he stated that the car was stolen. We were planning to deny his claim due to fraud but he never showed up for his EUO. So we denied based on being hostile. Anyway, our attorneys send out a 12 page denial to this guy and here is a section of the letter that he sent back. Not too sure who the "we" is, and this is is third company that he is a CEO of in a span of 3 months. Also, what is "blog the media". I probably get letters like this once a month that require a shitload of work since I have to have meetings with my boss, corporate counsel, and our complaint department as they take each complaint seriously. Since being at the new office I have filed 3 restraining orders on insureds because of shit like this. Looks like I will be completing my 4th. But this one was so over the top it had me crying. Enjoy.

...These are just a few of the numerous Federal, State, and Civil Rights violations upon which you allowed to continue. You will be surprised at the amount of violations we have against you; and this is also in conjunction to the house claim which you grossly violated laws pertaining to seniors. We hope you understand the weight that this carries to your organization and leadership role. Our investigation will not only clear this family of the finanical, Physical, emotional, and undue stress that your office has placed, but we will send a message not only to the media, but to the people upon whom your company has neglected, overcharged, and defrauded. I suggest if you have some sense, that you will come to the table with me (Ernest C. Sari) as CEO of Street Smart Investment Club because we are prepared to take this not only to court, but will blog the media, and will make sure this is spread nationwide. If you stand and play hardball, I will personally request a federal indictment and hold you responsible and we will not only win, but will more than likely have control of your company. We are prepared to sue in excess of 60 - 200 million dollars and will request control of Farmers. Please do not disregard this notice.

We already have hard evidence, so any shredding and or tampering with paperwork will do you no good. I am giving you 7 business days to respond. If you cannot make a decision or respond to this without incriminating yourself, then I suggest you forward this to an arbitrator or someone that can make a decision, otherwise we will deem this as a no contest decision and forward this to the DA and a Judge.


jorge blogsada said...

As long as the stars and stripes shall wave no one, certainly not ernest sari will control our farmers. God bless America and god bless our crops.

Here's the thing about people, half of them are self-consumed whackos and the other half are liars, and then of course there are a few farmers who are usually pretty good people, but that's pretty much it.

And you really can't hold these crazy assertions against me because I have lyme's disease, which unlike your allergies to that suculent green fruit, is an actual medical issue, not some phony bullshit to avoid losing to me in tequilla drinking contests.

Other Brad said...

This one is much more well spoken than my Floridian who wanted to claim injury for brain damage (that would not allow him to play the trumpet like Louis Armstrong anymore) caused when he totalled his wife's vehicle into a parked car.

Buck Super Stereo said...

the only complaints we get are from people saying they don't like the ads. or a particular roller coaster was shut down. or caused them to puke.

i like my job better than yours.

Eric Z said...

What the hell is the "Street Smart Investment Club"? Sounds like Ernest and 3 of his wacky neighbors getting together, throwing in $50, and expecting to get -rich-quick on stocks like GE and Home Depot.