Aug 31, 2006

Two questions for the day...

1. Why are Mexican game shows so crazy? I have no idea what the hell is going on, but I guess if you put the Sanchez family in red jumpsuits and have them make plastic hamburgers on an assembly line while a crazy chef runs around girls in bikinis screaming, its entertainment???

2. Thoughts on a guy and girl sitting on the same side of the table for lunch or dinner? Obviously they are a couple, but why? I absolutely can't stand this to the point that I give them the ole stink eye and head shake as I'm reading the Journal. Are you guys that controlling that you can't have the girl sit across the table from you? Too far away is it??? A girl I dated out here did this once and got the "What the fuck are you doing" line and look from me. Let's just say that set the tone for a very wonderful evening.


Eric Z said...

I plead guilty to #2, your honor.

dzahn07 said...

First defending that boob on the Orange Report, now this??? Ugh.

Buck Super Stereo said...

did you ever think she was giving him a handjob? i'd say that's excusable. sitting across from one another, what's the best that could happen....

you get a foot massage on your member or she gets your big toe in her vagine.

pick 'em.