Aug 28, 2006

Laguna Beach

Really wanted to blog about the MTVs Fresh Meat show since it has been absolutely amazing over the last several weeks. No added drama, just some really interesting challenges and some great Survivor like decisions. Am I the only one cheering for Wes to win it all?

Anyway, I was able to catch up on Laguna Beach this weekend and was very disappointed. From everything that I heard I thought it was going to be great, but then was let down on many fronts. Below is the breakdown of this season compared to the last two seasons.

Kristen vs. Kyndra- What people tend to forget about Kristen was that she was the nice one in season one, but turned into a bitch during the whole Stephen's girlfriend vs. Stephen's best friend saga. So you got to enjoy a nice and sweet Kristen at the beginning and then you could relate to her becoming a bitch because she was protecting her boyfriend from LC who as we all know wanted to sleep with Stephen from the get go. But this girl Kyndra is just nasty, with no likeable qualities. Is she hot? Yes, but nothing compared to Kristen. Can you see Kyndra dating the next Heishman trophy winner at USC or Nick O'Shea? No, me neither. Kristen was pulling in all of the hot single and married men in LA for a solid year after the show ended. Advantage Season 1/2.

LC vs. Tessa- I really like both. Tessa's got that exotic thing working for her, while LC had that classic 50s look that I like so much. They both seem to have some set of morals, but they both are friends with guys that are total duchebags. Advantage- Push

Cameron vs. Stephen- When I thought that they couldn't put more of an idiot on the show than Stephen, they come up with this guy Cameron. Are girls this stupid that they go for dwebs like this? They are the reasons why Ben and I grill out, play Gin Rummy 20,000, and drink at home. The OC is filled with jackasses like this, don't get me started. Advantage- Push

Friends vs. Friends- Nobody will beat Taylor from last season. I still have the biggest crush on her. And who was that hooker from Season 2 that drove around that Mercedes? The one with the teeth the size of the Empire State Building and the 27 year old Armenian boyfriend? Oooh I loved her. So dirty. Throw in Jason, Talon, that tall awkward looking blonde, and the gay guy that made those trucker hats, and it was a knock out cast. The new season has this girl named Cami who despite having knockers the size of China, sucks ass. She knows that she isn't pretty so to get attention she puts her boobs on a platter and acts like a raging bitch. Not bad to have her in some scenes, but to have her as the best friend of the main character just doesn't do it for me. And Rocky is just your non descript blonde bombshell. She makes me yearn for Low from Season 1 (my mom's favorite). And the guys? Ugh. Mark my words, I will have a run in with that rock star Chase guy. I'm sure I'll be having a nice quiet cup of coffee at Starbucks and he will walk in and immediately take off his shirt and start playing acoustic guitar. I hate guys that take off their shirts for no reason whatsoever. What a fucking pansy losser. Advantage Season 1/2

Mothers- Is there any wonder why these girls act the way that they do? When Kyndra was going out on her date with Cameron and was basically wearing boxer briefs, the mom didn't say a word. What the fuck? All the moms remind me of the mom from Mean Girls. Don't these moms watch this show? If my mom watches, then I'm sure that every parent has seen this shit. Why would you agree to have your kids on this show? Advantage Season 3

Boobs- This is getting out of control. And its not only on this show, but everywhere in the OC. Young girls with massive amounts of cleavage. And its not me being a perv. While standing in line, Carol almost went bezerk on these two 16 year olds standing in front of us, talking about their late night while their boobs were popping out everywhere. Big ones too. No reason for this. It was a sunday morning, and I don't need to see that shit. Friday night is fine, but a sunday morning??? Come on. Put on some clothes. Advantage Season 3

Jessica- Umm, what is she still doing on the show? Can someone please tell her that she looks like a fool. I rather see her getting abused by Jason than her being pathetic with Cameron. This is what happens when your friends with the most attractive and confident girl in the universe. Your self esteem is shot and you become a doormat. I can't believe I actually had a crush on her. And yes, I know I'm pathetic since I had not one but two crushes on girls in a high school TV show. Advantage season 1/2

Jason- They put Jessica back on, but they don't have the king of all players on the show? Austin and I spent an entire lunch giving this guy props for the shit he was pulling. This guy had the dumb silent response whenever he got caught and it worked!!!!! This was amazing to watch and see that it work not only in Laguna but also in the Hillz. And I don't believe that he isn't cruising these high school parties looking for poor little girls to sleep with. Get him back on this show. I want to see Cameron macking on a girl and just see Jason sweep in and steal her from him. How classic would that be. That would make my year. On a side note, my mom absolutely hates him. She might hate him more than she hated Alicia. Everytime I want to get a rise out of her I just mention his name and she goes off for 10 minutes. Eric, try it for fun. Trust me, she will not disappoint. Advantage Season 1/2

My priorities- Is it sad that my analysis for this show is at least 4 times larger than my analysis for the NFL? Hmmm. And by the way, has anyone seen "Two a Days"? I'll be talking about this show later this week.

So its pretty clear that I'm a loser, I like boobs, and I like season 1/2 better.


Other Brad said...

I cannot blog about Laguna as I have not watched any season.

But...I will say that I want to see Wes lose to Derrik in the finals of the challenge. I don't want Wes to win the whole thing because he is a dick, but he got my 2nd place vote when he told all the big boys that if they put him up against his woman he would be pissed off and would basically keep going in and beating each one of them.

I believe that was when Theo called him delusional. Well look who is still there Mr. Last Comic Standing. Oh...and Diem is gorgeous.

Any thoughts on Janelle (Spelling???) from the Key West Real World?

Eric Z said...

Geesh - I've watched about 10 minutes of two-a-days. It was the game footage vs NEAS.

During one piece of footage, they showed a touchdown and -according to the show - made them tied (or slightly ahead)..... when you could see the actual scoreboard in the background showing the score being 50-29.

I'll have to check this again to make sure I got this right. I don't know when I'll get a chance to watch it, since it's only on 8 times a day.....

Stuff like that drives me nuts.

I did like the end, where the cheerleader absolutely blew off one of the players. I don't know why, but that subplot may make me watch the show again.

I trust you, Derek, on you opinions on these shows, so please let me know if this is worth my time. I'm too late to jump on the Laguna beach bandwagon now....

dzahn07 said...

I know what I'm getting you as a christmas present. season 1 and 2 of laguna. Yes, jump on the bandwagon now!!!!!!

Anyway, the cheerleader brushed him off because he slept with someone else. This is like the Midwest version of Laguna.

jorge blogsada said...

Great post. How did I know this would have 3 responses within a few hours.
Couple of quick thoughts. 1)Entourage last night, Lampoon's Vacation today, man oh man, did beverly de'angelo take a fall. I know she's probably like 80 now, so she deserves a pass, but she looks like she had one too many bejing cocktails to quote the trailer for "Crank". Is Jason Statham this generation's van damme? Seems more like a rich, englishman's jeff speakman. What did they replace all those horrible one man wrecking crew action movies with? That was a whole genre from 85-95. And buddy movies too... all gone. Replaced by kiddy, toy story trash rip-offs, rip-offs of scream, and rip-offs of drumline. Every movie of the last 10 years can be traced back to those 3. Fact.
By the way I just saw beerfest which would have been great as a 30 minute skit, but is still pretty enjoyable as a flick. Kudos to the guy they call the indian george clooney.
2) I don't really watch all that circus of the real world stars shit, but from what I've seen wes is one of the most patently unlikable guys I've seen on tv ever. Reminds me of the guy you would search out playing pickup football in college when you had a clear path to the endzone just to serve him a forearm sandwich.
3)The main course. I didn't really watch the old laguna that much either, but I've actually watched the hills with the sound on a few times, so I'm trying to get into the scene. Kyndra or whatever the hell she's called has no back story, no fall from grace, no chance for redemption. She's just pure evil, kind of darth maul to kristen's darth vader. For dramatic possibilities she's not even close, but the horns do make a great opening statement. Also I think the juxtaposition of last season's queen bee to this year's does a good job of showing how much society has tanked just within the last 8 months or so.

dzahn07 said...

Just got a call from Carol. She said that she was disturbed by this post. Not because of all the boob comments, but the fact that I was making boob comments on underage girls. I think she has a point. No way to defend that.

Other Brad said...

I believe it was an episode of Seinfeld when George got caught staring at the NBC execs underage daughters breasts.

Quote 1- Jerry explaining to Elaine why he poked George when he saw the cleavage...

"There was cleavage in the area. That's a reflex"-Jerry

Quote 2-"You don't consider age in the face of cleavage. This occurs on a molecular level, you can't control it! We're like some kind of weird fish where the eyes operate independently of the head."-Jerry

Here is a good sequence between George and Jerry after the NBC exec kicks them out..

GEORGE- It's cleavage. I couldn't look away. What am I, waiting to win an Oscar here? This is all I have in my life.

JERRY- Looking at cleavage is like looking at the sun, you don't stare at it. It's too risky. You get a sense of it and then you look away.

GEORGE- All right. So, he caught me in a cleavage peek, so big deal. Who wouldn't look at his daughter's cleavage? She's got nice cleavage.

JERRY: That's why I poked.

GEORGE: That's why I peeked.

Now.. back to the Fresh Meat. I am so disappointed that Derrick and Diem got the boot. FU Tina and Kenny!