Jan 17, 2008

You must have a gambling problem if.....

My dream last night consisted of me playing golf with Heath Slocum - my pick for the Bob Hope tournament this week in our golf pool. Mr. Slocum was telling me that yes, even though he shot a 68 today, his shoulder isn't feeling very good at all. In our casual round, he hit one out-of-bounds, and then delcared the pain was too much for him. He cracked open a beer and said "that's it, I'm calling the Hope and withdrawing".

I woke up at 3:37 am in a cold sweat.


Don said...

You must have a gambling problem if ...you attempt to pick the winner of every PGA event before the season starts.

mer said...

Wow, you do have a problem. My dreams the last 2 nights have been about doing my exwife doggie style and about the girl who works at my gym with the really nice tits. I can only think that you'd rather gamble than have sex. And since I'm single I know that I'm getting laid more than you. Although, I have to admit I have a strong urge to drive to Detroit or Windsor. March seems so far away.

RRD said...

Did Heath touch you inappropriately? Wait until the week you pick Vijay.