Jan 30, 2008

Let's go to prison

I had this big long blog written up about the candidates but I think I'm just going to sum it up with a line from the great movie "Let's go to prison." Don't trust anyone!!! These guys and gal are all liars and scumbags. Obama, Hillary, McCain, and Romney? No. Seriously, is there a candidate that you trust? Maybe Huckabee? But Huckabee scares me when he is not joking around. Maybe Paul? Yes.

Paul is right on point on many many things and seems to be more up my alley than any other candidate. Less government involvment, humble foreign policy, balanced budget, and less taxes. More Libertarian than Republican. He did run under the libertarian party in 88. He is really interesting and did a fine job with the 6 minutes he was given tonight on CNN. I will be throwing my vote his way come super Tuesday.


Eric Z said...

Hey - I've got no problems with voting your conscience. Go for it.

Some people may call this "throwing your vote away", or a "protest vote", but it's not. The goal is to vote with your heart on the prinicples/stances you believe in. If your candidate does not win - you then hope that anohter candidate (or party) picks up those principles in future agendas and elections.

As a co-founder of the "CWRU for Perot '92" movement (it was me, a WASP-Republican and a Jewish Democrat that founded it together), I know how you feel. Go for it. If you believe Paul is the best candidate, then be proud of your vote.

And dammit, I will go to my grave believing that Perot would have won in 92 if he didn't drop out in the middle of the summer.

4micah said...

No seriously, it's throwing your vote away. Paul is good because he raises issues in the debates, but seriously, pull all of our overseas troops? C'mon. Vote for Romney. Paligamy rocks.