Jan 18, 2008

You choose

Whose decision is worse. The editor of Golfweek for greenlighting this mag cover or me greenlighting "Fit Club" in my office.

Yes, I caved under the pressure of 33 employees. No company sponsorship and they have to weigh themselves on the sidewalk right outside of our parking lot so it is not on company property. I will soon be joining Golfweek's editor in the unemployment line shortly.

Side notes: Messages I need to get out to people but I'm too lazy to call or I can't find their email:
1. Micah please give me a call when you get out here and I'll stop by for some drinks. Newport is only about 15 minutes away.
2. Wiz, you are a punk for renegging on the Herron vs Slocum wager. Classy.
3. Mer- If you ever need a partner to go to Vegas, just call and I will book a room and meet you out there. Or if you need to go to Windsor, be wary of the Cheetah club on the way back. I got a lap dance from some girl who had bandages all over her body. Not good times.
4. Don- Its a one bottle surcharge for each shipment. Just wanted to let you know.
5. Eric- Happy belated B-Day.
6. RRD- We will crush you in the golf pool.
7. Big West Conference and the Stockmarket- F you. At this point I don't know who is costing me more money since I have taken two torpedos to my hull and we are taking on major water.
8. Sportsguy- That might of been the worst article ever. It pained me to read it and then was pleasantly surprised to read the last paragraph about his dad. Its good to see that people outside of my circle of friends believe in the gooch. I will be laying money on the Chargers because of this.


Eric Z said...

So, let me get this straight.

Instead of having them meet in private and weigh themselves in front of only their small group...

...you are now forcibly embarassing them by having them parade out in the open and march, one by one, on the sidewalk and weigh themselves in plain view.

I wish Leland, RRD, Mer and I worked in your office. That way, we'd all congregate in Leland's office at lunchtime when the weigh-in is occuring; I'd bring the bincoluars and Mer would peer through the blinds to read each woman's weight as the other three of us make side bets on the weight a la the caddies in Caddyshack.

Layup said...

No, I told them that they could not weigh in on company property and they asked if they could weigh in on the sidewalk, and I said no problem since its not company property.

The Dudeman said...

Just so you know for future reference, it's renEgging, not renIgging. I know it's only one letter, but that one little letter could get you in trouble with someone who's not familiar with the word and/or it's meaning.

Layup said...

fixed. And spell check never picked it up.