Jan 14, 2008

Republican race

Could we see 5 different winners in 5 different states? Romney in Michigan, Thompson in SC, and Giuliani in Florida? A stretch, but even if 4 different candidates win what the hell happens then? Chineese fire drill for Super Tuesday? I might have to take off of work just to watch 8 hours of Chris Matthews playing hardball.

And did anyone see Hillary on Meet the Press? Thought that it was very very poor. No straight answers, very evasive and mainly consisted of "You took that out of context" or "Please let me finish". Thought that Newt was very interesting on George S show on ABC. Who would of thought that both of them could be civil to each other after what happened with Newt and Clinton.


Don said...

Where has everyone been? These races are unbelievable. Eric and Laura. Start typing.

Everyone keeps talking about Romey needing to win. 2 states in and look at the delegate count. Who is ahead? As long as the top guy keeps rotating and he takes 2nd, he'll stay in the lead. And will Guliani's strategy work? Everyone seems to be surprised about this. Why? Its been there all along.

And the Dems. Wow. How about putting together a plan to self destruct? Well, keep it up and you will. Pointing the race finger and bringing up drug usage. Will they ever learn?

Layup said...

I feel like a USAToday reporter compared to the Journal and NY Times. Come on Eric and Laura save us all from another political post from me!!!!