Jan 8, 2008

Best line of the day...

from the National Review blog, talking about the NH primary and various voting motives and factors:

By the way, don't count out the destabilization factor. I have a Democrat neighbor who registers as an independent only in order to damage whoever the Republican frontrunner is. In '92 and '96, he voted Buchanan. 2000, McCain. He says the problem this year is he's not sure exactly whom he's supposed to be voting against.

Ain't that the truth.
I think this blog - with myself and Derek being the main editors - should issue an endorsement in the coming days.

And the Hillary crack-up. Wow! Fun to see, and it's very, very hard to envision how she comes back with "change" being the main item the voters want...but Hillary is on stage with her husband, Wesley Clark and Madeleine Albright. Should we adopt "Jesus Jones" as our campaign songwriter, too?

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