Jun 11, 2007

Why the media sucks, part DCCLXIII....

Why are newspaper circulation declining and TV news viewership on the way down? Two prime examples:

1) Paris Hilton. Why? Why the hell is she everywhere? What has this woman/skank done in her life?
People may liken this to the OJ craze, but it is completely different. We're talking murder vs traffic violation here; we're also talking about two celebrities on completely different levels. OJ was a star NFL player who had a second job- acting - that was much bigger than anything Paris has every been in. (Ask yourself - who has more viewers, the Naked Gun or The Simple Life?

This is a page 10 story, like when Dana Plato was arrested for drug abuse.

2) The death of the immigration bill. You can like it or not, but the media is CLEARLY biased in favor of the bill. I saw Tom Tancredo - a Republican Presidentail candidate (really! it's true!) - being interviewed on GMA. Tancredo is one of the people who helped kill the bill. GMA was badgering him - "but polls show it's popular" - "why would you kill a bill that Americans are in favor of"? Thsoe were exact quotes.
The underlying assumption there is a LIE! Who is supporting this? See this link and this link. No poll is out there that shows support of the bill!

And then the Washington Post - who called the demise of the bill "a victory for extremism", is out there saying:

Within policy circles, immigration reform is viewed as vital, addressing both the growing demand for workers and the social costs of an illegal underclass.

Oh really? what circles? Who? What lazy ass reporting. As Kaus said, the Post could have also said in 2002:

Within policy circles, toppling Saddam Hussein by force is viewed as vital, addressing both the threat of weapons of mass destruction and the need to establish a new dynamic in the region.

See? Don't ask questions- it's needed ! Move on, please!

The media can't even see that they are losing credibility by the hour....and have no idea how to get it back.

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