Jun 5, 2007

A couple of quick notes from the past two nights

Crazy couple of days:

  • My Tivo is broken again!! Fuck that. It will record, but won't play. I will be on my 6th DVR receiver in 3 years.

  • With that being said, I finally watched the Sopranos. Amazing.

  • Watched the A's play a great game against the Sox last night. The game was going into the top of the 9th and right as they were coming back from the break, my electricity goes out. Ummm...OK. So I light some candles and do some reading on the couch. I end up falling asleep and the TV comes back on around an hour later. As I'm trying to come out of my little nap, I hear the game still going on the TV. What??? Why is the game still going??? I get my glasses and see that it is the top of the 11th. WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!

  • Finally bought two new suits at Brooks Brothers over the weekend. Wow, its been a super long time since I bought a suit. I decided to get the flat front pants with the suit, so I guess that is a step in the right direction. To negate this fashion upgrade I also purchased a sear sucker jacket. White and blue. Will be debuting it at Brad's rehearsal dinner. And yes that is a picture of me that Carol took in the store.

  • While shopping at the Brooks Brothers outlet, there was a decent size Indian casino right next door. That didn't go so well. Had an excellent run for about 30 minutes until the wheels came off. Carol and I ended up about $75 down.

  • Came home and was about to cook some great salmon for dinner to end a perfect weekend, but then we got a frantic call from Carol's sister. Carol's mom now has brain tumors. This poor women. She beats cancer several times and is finally heading home to be with her friends and family. She then gets these tumors!! Unbelievable. The doctors say that its not that big of a deal and that they can treat with radiation over the next couple of months. Not a big deal? Tumors? Radiation on the brain? How is this not a big deal. Looks like Carol is headed back to Scottsdale with her mom for the next couple of months.

1 comment:

mer said...

You need to learn how to hack TiVo's or at least find a good computer nerd to do it for you. I had my first one for 6 six years and finally sold it on eBay for $400. Yeah, I had to replace a few hard drives over the years. I currently have 3 TiVo's and my parents have one which are all still running fine. Most problems are fixable.