Jun 15, 2007

Tahoe Continued

Some more highlights of the Tahoe Trip:
  • So I was flying back on Southwest from Reno-Oakland-Orange County. When we went to check in for the flight home, the Reno-Oakland flight was cancelled, so they routed us from Reno-Vegas-Orange County which got in 10 minutes later than the original flight. So we board the Reno-Vegas flight and we are delayed for a good 45 minutes. We finally take off and the expected arrival time in Vegas was 8:25. The Vegas-Orange County flight was departing at 8:30, which meant that we probably weren't going to make the flight. At this point, I was all set at staying in Vegas for the night and flying out the next morning. Some of my peers were on board as well which would of been a nice ending to a very long set of meetings. Well, we get off the plane and find out that we are taking off about 15 gates away and several of the managers start to run. I on the other hand start a very slow walk, since I really don't want to make the flight. I finally arrive at the departing gate expecting the doors to be closed and the flight gone, but noooooo, one of the managers sprinted to the gate and held the plane for us. Fucking bitch. I made it known to her that I was not happy about this fact.
  • I hate dinner cruises in Lake Tahoe. Let me rephrase that. I hate dinner cruises in general. I don't know why we always go on them when we are up there. Makes no sense. You just tool around the lake for about 4 hours eating crappy food and drinking rail drinks. I feel like I'm on a booze cruise in the Bahamas. Classy. Despite it being a very nice boat and having Miller High Life in a can, I couldn't wait to get off the boat at 9:00pm!!! Why? Well that's because I either had some bad fish or meat on the boat and I was stuck dropping deuces in the smallest toilet known to man. I think I have a coffee can at home bigger than the toilet that I had to shoot into on this boat. My buddy Eric, who is a 6-3 290 pounder from Fresno had the same problem. Both of us were lighting this thing up for a solid hour. And I'm sure you all can guess what happened when I was in there. Let's see, first I clogged up the toilet and had to build a make shift plunger out of a paper towel roll and some warm water from the sink. Secondly, I forgot to lock the door to the bathroom and my buddy Eric walked in on me when I was just dropping my pants to sit down. All in all, I was in the can 5 times in a span of an hour.

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