May 14, 2007


1) First off, big game tonight for the Cavs. I'm ok with losing one in NJ - but to lose both? Well, that throws the series back into tossup mode. We are clearly the better team (I think), we need to win tonight.

2) More to come on the Tribe....

3) I saw an article in the Washington Post that made me turn my head. About two weeks ago, there was an article saying that the Democrats were planing to overhaul the AMT in the tax code. Some Democrats were trying to develop a plan that would:
a) eliminate the AMT for people under $200K;
b) phase it in for people from $200-$500K;
c) make it higher for people over $500K.

I don't know how much of this article was liberal bias (highlighting Dem plans that have no chance of passing), but if - IF - the Democrats get this plan passed and force Bush to deal with it......

I will then have to reevaluate where I stand politically.

I mean, doing something like this would have HUGE political ramifications. First of all, that would be a tax cut for me. The last two years we were killed by the AMT. If that's repealed, well then - move over Leland and Wiz, I'm playing the $25 tables in Vegas in March.

This would be a politcal earthquake. All those upper-middle class suburbs that are solidly Republican? Some - not all, but a signficant chunk - would shift due to this. This could tip the balance in states like Ohio, Virginia, Missouri, and so on.

This is a classic example of Republicans having no clue what affects their voters. This issue has been out there for 4-5 years....nothing has been done. If teh Democrats actually agree to overhaul the AMT and fix it, resulting in a tax cut for the upper middle class -------- that's progress.

4) How racist is the sporting world? Most of you may have seeen this from SG's latest column about the Josh Hancock tragedy:

I couldn't agree more with this e-mail from Ed in Dallas: "Does the coverage of the Josh Hancock accident perfectly illustrate the double standard we have with different sports? If a tattooed, cornrowed NBA player had been been in a fatal, single-car accident with a BAC level twice the legal limit, allegedly on the phone with a woman arranging a hookup and with a stash of weed in the car -- he'd be posterized as everything that's wrong with the NBA. Since it's a clean-cut white guy, he's being treated like Barbaro."

he's absolutely right. Why is this the case? I don't have an answer.


Don said...

So let me get this straight. For a few extra American Greenbacks in your pocket you are willing to consider changing political parties? Seriously?

Eric Z said...

Well, upon re-reading I think I highlighted the actual tax break too much...

I think any political re-affiliation would have to be because Democrats finally understand that the upper-middle class is not the evil in American society. In fact, there is no evil.

Their definition of rich has been sooooooo politically motivated in the past. With this AMT proposal, it seems they think that people under $500,000 may not be the devil incarnate that other Dems like Al Gore, John Edwards, Michael Moore think we are.

Yes, $500,000 in Iowa is filthy rich. But is it in NY? In suburban VA?

And it seems that they are listening to the concerns of the upper middle-class group. When was the last time any party did that?