May 29, 2007

I didn't want to see 65 year old breasts....

With Carol getting sick for her birthday weekend, I ended up spending most of the time watching movies with her, and WOW did we pick some winners. The movies were sooooo good, I had to post about the utter crap that was "Movie Weekend".

6. The War Tapes- A documentary done by 4 men in Iraq. Is slow at times, but the payoff is at the end when they return home and their comments about the war and the American people. Very interesting and a great watch.

5. Hot Fuzz- Worth a watch. British humor aimed at all of the US cop buddy movies. It really doesn't get good until the last 30 minutes.

4. Eragon- Yes, this was the third best movie of the weekend. It only took me about 20 minutes to realize that they were blatantly ripping off Star Wars by replacing Jedi's with Dragon Riders. But I'm a sucker for smart sharks and dragon movies, so I actually enjoyed the flick.

3. Catch and Release- Why does everyone love Jennifer Garnder? Very unattractive. And I'm not a huge fan of Kevin Smith playing the role of the goofy friend When did he become Jack Black or Steve Zahn. Good story, but poor execution.

4. Georgia Rule- Yup. I actually went to the movies to watch this one with Carol, Brian, and Laurin. Brian convinced me that this might be good since he heard that there was full frontal of Lindsey Lohan. Absolutely terrible movie with no full frontal. Two comments were made during this movie...The first was when I actually yelled "What??" during a plot twist. It was so unbelievable (Lindsey's character was raped by her step father) that I yelled this in disgust right as Brian (Laurin's husband) walked out. The other comment was to Carol, stating that this was not the worst movie I've seen today. And that award goes to...

5a. Because I Said So- When did it become acceptable to watch a 65 year old lady get naked and have sex on screen? Diane Keeton should be shot. And what Director thinks that it is a good idea to have Diane Keeton do slapstick on screen? I was just floored.

5b. Rocky- Ben, Carol, and I rented this on Wednesday with high hopes. People have been telling all of us that this was a good movie. What a disappointment. It was depressing, with poor acting, and no climax (That's what she said). Ben and I thought that there was going to be another boxing match since the main one was so poor. And to think that there is going to be another Rambo....Ugh.

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