Aug 16, 2007

Thursday Ramblings

Man, it has been almost impossible for me to get on here lately. I'm really disappointed in myself, especially with BuckSuperStereo changing his site and adding new tags onto his posts. Screw that. Onto the ramblings

  • BuckSuperStereo- Good to see that you still have the old pizza cooker. I remember playing Bottom of the Ninth and having pizza cook off challenges (excuse for both of us to eat mass amounts of pizza)where you would use that pizza cooker and I would use the stove. Mine was better of course.
  • Listening to the Pirates radio team the other night and boy are they terrible. Its like giving Gus Johnson 10 pounds of morphine. And since there wasn't a big crowd at the game, there was just so much dead silence. Oh and Curr, it was Slovak night yesterday.
  • Detox- On Monday and Tuesday I went on a detox diet. Protein Shake, one piece of fruit every two hours, and veggies for dinner. Wow. One of the hardest things I have ever done. Really puts everything in perspective. How much food plays into my everyday activities, how big my portions were before this, and how poorly I ate. Don't know if I lost any weight, but I'm really thinking about changing how I eat.
  • I love these. While the minor league blow ups tend to get old, the Earl Weaver one is priceless. I never heard the extended version one before.
  • How the Fuck are the Yankees back in this thing. If the Yanks go the playoffs I'm either holding Jay or Eric responsible. I now feel like a boob for telling Jonny that he was crazy to think that the Yanks were still in this thing a couple of months. Come on Tribe.
  • I regret not making it to Wiz's bachelor party. The text message I received from Lee on Saturday was priceless. "Just lost credit card roulette for $XXX". I want to maintain Lee's privacy, but let's just say that he set a record here.
  • So happy Hardknocks is back on HBO. Herm Edwards is so much fun to watch, since everytime he gets animated I always flash back to the "You play to win" post game conference. And I love how NFL films makes every team look like they are going to win the Super Bowl. And for those of you that think that Priest Holmes will be ready for the start of the season? Um no. He ran two plays and couldn't go anymore since he was tired. He stated that he hasn't done anything for 2 years which included exercise or conditioning.
  • Eric, I'm going to want your Browns prediction soon.
  • Is it bad that I'm already getting excited about the Vegas trip? I'm committed for golf which I'm actually looking forward to, we have an excellent set up for dinners, and the crew looks outstanding with Lee making a comeback.


RRD said...

I love the Earl Weaver tirade. The best part of the rant (which I just noticed) is that it occurs at:

Top 1st

The game had just started and he's fired up! The clip also brings back memories of trekking to Orioles games at Memorial Stadium, with my old man throwing me over his shoulder to run me out of the stadium after the game because it was after dark.

Eric Z said...

We need to have a separate post about memories from the old Memorial Stadium. My dad would take us down there 4-5 times a year; we'd leave around 5:30 or so and stop at Giant to get snacks (and those 32 oz fruit punches that came in the milk carton containers)... park in a residentail neighborhood and walk a good 2-3 miles to the stadium.

Really, it was not at all unlike Lambeau field in terms of the neighborhood setting.

The Chiefs will be a mess this year. Put Brodie Croyle in there with the wacko Herm Edwards, a weakened line with a defense that gave up 31 (!) to the Browns in December....well, I see them as a disaster at 4-12, 5-11.

For those of you thinking about Larry Johnson in your draft, don't.

Why? OK - you are a D coordiantor - how do you stop KC? Put 8 in the box. What, are you afraid of Brodie?