Aug 2, 2007

Random Notes

  • Well my mom is in town this past week and its been pretty uneventful. I taught her some new things like, you can use a credit card in the grocery stores and you can leave windows open at night and nobody will break in to the place. After this week, I'm really nervous about getting old. You become so out of touch with society. Maybe its just my mom, but I'm beginning to think its just a by product of getting old. Ugh.

  • Ahhh, finally some good news at work. The high priced company attorneys were able to get my name removed from a pretty large lawsuit that I mentioned about 6 months ago. Once again, this is the only time I was happy to be seated across two Duke graduates. As they said, the greatest defense for a defamation case is that it is the truth. I will be joining these two Dukies today in four days of depositions of the two guys that are suing our company for wrongful termination and a million other little things. $500 an hour we are paying these guys and they are worth every penny. Attorneys are now added to the list of things that you don't cheap out on, which includes toilet paper, scotch, TVs, and whores.

  • Carol has been gone for the past couple of weeks and I have been able to play 2 seasons of NCAA 2007-College Football. The Terps are on a 22 game winning streak and have brought home two national championships. With my mom cooking dinner every night and having the fridge stocked with beer, it has been a wonderful week.
  • I want to bring something up that RRD posted a little bit ago that has me very concerned. What is wrong with wearing khakis, brown shoes and blue socks? Please help me out here. I have some light brown socks, but I don't like the way that they look. I've conquered the matching belt with shoes issue and no more pleats and I thought I was on my way. But now I hear this and I'm a little worried.
  • And Eric, I know that you are feeling bad about golf right now, but I know that I speak for many of us readers here that if you don't improve and stop shooting in the 80s, you will be band from writing about your golf outings.


Wiz said...

Your mom was in town visiting me last week and I taught her some new things as well!

RRD said...

To elaborate on the sock issue, it is simply a pet peeve when someone wears a shirt, khakis, brown shoes and black/brown socks. It is my personal preference to match socks to pants (khaki socks and pants).

Admittedly, it is a very particular peeve.

Zeitgeber said...

The word is that you should either match your socks to your pant hem or your shoes. Random blue socks between brown leather shoes and khakis might look weird, but maybe not, I want to see some personal picture examples!

Buck Super Stereo said...

wow. with fashion opinions like these, you guys need to be exposed to the ad world. we....

1) don't debate this type of shit

because 2) unconventional approaches to attire aren't that unusual

so 3) you'll never see me typing shit like "you should either match socks to your pant hem or your shoes" unless i'm calling someone's state of mind into question.

that was a great dig at your mom by the way. the last time she visited me, she taught me some new things. that ho gets around!