Aug 19, 2007

Superbad and other items

This weekend has been one of the laziest in months. Now, I'm having to spend the day inside procrastinating before my football draft and the two reports that I have to do by Monday. Onto some random thoughts.

Superbad- This movie is going to get over-hyped very quickly. Carol and I saw it on Friday, and while it was excellent, I'm still not sure if it is in the Caddyshack category. I'm trying to think of who the two kids remind me of with their over the top swearing and sex talk and it hit me the yesterday that it is a combination of Currier back in high school and Ben over the past year. I remember hearing the way that Curr talked back in 9 grade and thinking WOW!!! And Ben has taken it to another level, with basically nothing being out of bounds at all times. If you like Ben and Currier, you will absolutely love this movie.

Superbad Continued- The movie theater that we went to was one right next to our house. You rarely find a theater in a residential neighborhood, but we have one and its kind of nice. The only bad thing is that you have about 100 unsupervised teenagers running around and acting up during the movie. Last week Carol and I went to go see the Borne movie and she actually got up and walk about 7 rows back up to tell two girls to "Shut the Fuck Up". It worked and I was so proud of her. Anyway, when we were actually going into the theater there was a bouncer checking IDs. All the kids were getting turned away since they were well underage. At that point I knew this movie was going to be great. And what a surprise? The theater was half empty and quiet.

Superbad Continued again- Take my review for what its worth. I am a sucker for high school movies involving jocks, nerds, cool kids, outcasts, and dorks. I actually enjoyed Can't Hardly Wait. And this movie follows the traditional high school plot line of two nerds trying to hook up with two hot girls. But it is the execution and perfect casting that makes this movie excellent.

Seth Rogan- I really hope he doesn't follow in Adam Sandler's footsteps. I'm really worried that he is going to get cocky and start to pump out some crap comedies. He is doing very well with 40 Year Old Virgin, Knocked Up, and now Superbad.

National's TV Coverage- What the fuck guys? My camera angle is from behind the catcher? First it was cool, but now I feel like I'm watching the local cable access coverage of some high school game. And the quality of the picture and sound for some reason is always below average on MASN.

Mo Vaughn- Did anyone watch outside the lines this morning? It was nice to see Mo doing very well and actually being a active member of his community. If someone told me that Mo was 400 pounds and was a bouncer at a local strip joint, I would of been less surprised than hearing what he is actually doing now. Very nice story.

Went out in Irvine last night at the Spectrum with Ben and Carol. Its like this super outside mall (probably 200 stores outside) with about 25-30 big time restaurants. Very family oriented. As we were leaving around 10:00pm, we saw a group of young kids absolutely hammered. Two of the guys were carrying one of the guys while another one was just yelling "21st Birthday". Ben and I were laughing, but the majority of the other people were disgusted. Then Ben and I were thinking how fucked up we were on our 21st B-Days and how thankful we were that it was in a College setting since these guys were sticking out like a sore thumb. But when we got hammered we just looked like one of the normal college kids.

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