Aug 31, 2007


Just to let you know, I'm now checking scores on my raggedy old cell phone at work. I'm really thinking about leaving the company. Onto some ramblings.

  • I gave a head nod to a 4 year old boy eating dinner next to me and I absolutely believe he gave it back to me.
  • During the same dinner, Carol and I were eating next to a family of 5. Carol and I were joking around and being a little bit loud and I guess the table next to us got pretty quiet as they were trying to listen to our conversation. As I paid the check and was getting up to leave, for some reason our conversation turned to the wonderful subject of "snowballing". Yes boys, snowballs. Carol didn't know what it was, so I explained it to her and as we got up to leave, we made eye contact with the family next to us and it was obvious they were listening to our conversation and the parents had this blank scared look on their face as they heard my explanation. Priceless and classy.
  • Last weekend Carol and I went to a Flaming Lips concert in San Diego. I've never seen them live and WOW. If you ever have a chance to catch them, please make an effort. Very solid live performance.
  • Now it helps that the concert was put on by Southern Comfort, which promoted me to drink like a fish for some reason. I was completely hammered on Soco and cokes and some fruity frozen Soco drink. Ended up blacking out which isn't a good feeling at 31.
  • And of course this led to a very interesting 3:00am wake up because I had to go to the bathroom. I made my usually B-Line to the toilet which was interrupted by me walking into a wall. It took me about 20 seconds to realize that I wasn't in my room but some strange dark evil room. As I Helen Kellered by way out of the room I see that I forgot to take out my contacts. Ugh...terrible rest of the morning.
  • I'm taking a break from the track. Got killed last weekend.
  • Good news is that I'm heading out to go see Eric. I'm sure we will be heading down to the river boats.
  • Mark my words- Falcons 9-7.
  • Mega Millions is up to $360 million. If I won I'm thinking who would be in my entourage. The combinations are endless and hillarious.

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