Aug 18, 2007

Question of the Day

Is it acceptable to have sex while watching Chris Hanson on MSNBC on his "Perverted Justice" sting operations? I say yes, Carol says no. We opted in changing the channel to the Corey Brothers on A&E which distracted me so much so that we had to stop and wait until the show ended. I need to remove the tv from our bedroom asap!!!


Buck Super Stereo said...

you're still within your first year of marriage. turn the tv off, or hit the pause on the tivo/dvr and get your fuck on.

after the third anniversary, any tv watching during - or instead of - marital fornication is perfectly acceptable.

The Dudeman said...

I say it's acceptable as long as you're not having sex with a thirteen year old girl that you met online and you're not featured on the episode.