Jul 30, 2009

Beer choices

I think I saw the beer selections for the "Beer Summit" tonight at the White House, with the attendees being President Obama, Prof. Gates and Sgt. Crowley. Here's my first impressions of the choices. If I have them wrong, please correct me!

Pres. Obama - Bud Light. Safe choice. This beer still is seen as a domestic beer, even though the company got sold last year. I think this beer has to be in the top 2-3 when one tries to name a beer that represents America in 2009. (Miller Lite may be another one).

I know he's trying to show he's linked into the working class with this pick - but I would have loved to see him go even more in that direction with "Old Milwaukee Light" or, heaven forbid, "National Light".

Beer Choice Grade: A-. Although I'd love to set a line - "Number of Swigs that Pres. Obama takes of Bud Light tonight after the cameras are off.". I'd say 1.5.

Prof. Gates: Red Stripe. A bit puzzling. Does anyone over 30 drink this? Does Prof. Gates have any Jamaican roots? I truly can't see him - even after 7 or 8 beers - running aorund his house yelling "Hooray, Beer!"
Am I missing something, or is he the exact opposite of the target audience that Red Stripe is going after?
Still, not too frilly or "academic", and I bet that factored in.

Beer Choice Grade: C+.

Sgt. Crowley: Blue Moon. Really? Wow. We've all watched cop shows in the past - and there is usually one scene an episode where the off-duty cops hang out at a bar. Let's just say you never see any fruit in the beer during the scene.

I mean, for God's sake, this is Layup's favorite beer! He is as far from blue collar as you can get! Is he really going to have an orange in his beer for the photo op tonight? Please - no.

Beer Choice Grade: C-.

1 comment:

Layup said...

Who invited Biden? He's that one guy that you can't find to chip in for the beer, but once its there he shows up. I can just see Obama, just staring him down like get the fuck out of here Joe.

Anyway, on the beer choice:

Sgt Crowley: Remember Eric, Blue Moon is owned by Coors, so its a blue collar beer by association. And yes, he did have an orange in it. Fabulous!!! I was expecting him to be drinking Bud in a can.

Gates: I was expecting a 40 of St Ides, but since he went to Harvard, I guess Red Stripe is the choice.

Obama- Bud Light is the best selling light beer in the country. Obvious choice. Bud Light has 37% of the market compared to Natural Light with only 9%. Still I'm surprised that Natural Light has such a large market share.