Apr 1, 2008

I heart Spencer!!!

King Cheese is back in my favorite show the Hills and he is better than ever. Every Monday, when I'm beaten down with a case of the Mondays, this man brings a smile to my face at 10:00pm on MTV.

And can some please explain to me the process of elimination on this dance show that MTV has. Bands I thought were eliminated are back with a vengeance. I'm just so confused.

Watching American Idol tonight and the remaining black girl sings Dolly Parton's "I will always love you" or better known at the Bodyguard song by Whitney Houston. First thought that comes to my mind when listening to this song was the drive thru girl that I hock up with back when I was 16. I drove over to her house before my shift began, made out with her for 30 minutes in my Toyota Tercel and then drove her and I to work. And guess who was sitting there waiting for me. Yup, General Zahn. My mom for some reason suspected that I wasn't going straight to work and wanted to know where I went before work. Pretty embarrassing. Really never talked to that girl again. Probably for the best. At 17 she was smoking about a pack a day are reds. Ugh.

And fuck this American Idol bullshit. They are doing covers of Dolly and nobody does 9-5. WTF? You mean I watched the entire thing and didn't get to see my favorite dolly song.


Eric Z said...

I'm partial to "Islands in the Stream", but hey...to each his own.

Wiz said...

Islands in the Stream is a song written by the brothers Gibb. You are the worst!

Eric Z said...

Now I'm supposed to know who WROTE these songs, too?

Who wrote Copacabana, oh great mr. Lundquist? Hmmm?