Apr 5, 2008


Its been a long time since the last Larry King type post. As I drink my morning cup of coffee and procrastinate my morning run, here are a few thoughts:

  • Was woken up this morning at 7:15 by a call from Ben. He was just calling me to tell me that he was putting a Decepticon logo on his car. Um..excuse me? You called me on Saturday morning to tell me this? And my response to him? "Megatron is a whiny bitch." And then I hung up. Ugh.
  • Then I get a text from Ben at 9:30am telling me he just pulled over a van with 7 transsexual illegal alien prostitutes seeking asylum in the US. Called him immediately and verify and it was true. He said that he will be stuck doing paperwork on this for days.
  • Yesterday the supervisors in my Auto Physical Damage department had an interview with a potential candidate for an open position. Two of them come running into my office telling me that they had a candidate that they wanted to hire immediately. Their manager was on vacation that day, so they wanted me to talk to her to see if we could hire her. Well, she comes into my office and she is no older than 22 years old. On a normal scale of 1-10 she was about a 6.5, but in their department where their jobs are to work with Body Shops to get cars fixed, she was a 10 in their eyes. And not to be sexist, but young women rarely do well in this type of position. Well as I talk to her, I see why the guys were getting so excited. She was wearing a white button down shirt and she kept on scratching her chest. No not her boobs, but right above it, still requiring her to somewhat open up the button down shirt. And she only did this when I was making eye contact with her. Nice little trick girly. So I ended the interview after 10 minutes since there was no substance to her responses and walked her out. As I returned into my office, the supervisors were sitting there waiting for me like little puppies waiting for their food. "You guys are idiots. No way." This started a 15 minute argument on the subject with the supervisors, with them debating with me like it was for a presidential election. I agreed that we would bring her back in and have a second interview with the manager and have her go out on a ride a long with one of the more tenured employees. Its amazing that these guys would sacrifice their annual raise, just to bring in an average looking girl.
  • We just missed Heidi and Spencer at the Palazzo. Apparently they were there on March 26th, and had a huge argument at Dos Caminos. How great would it of been if we were there for that!!!
  • Note to Don and Mike: Italian wines under investigation!!! But more importantly to Eric, Jon, and I, they found the same type of health issues with their cheese. Noooooooo!
  • Pleasantly surprised on how good I am Legend started out, but upset on how it ended. Not good at all.
  • As I posted before, I'm up for a big promotion. Well I am one step closer. I was asked to step into the position in an acting role for the next three months. And the VP stated that once I hit all of my objectives, the promotion goes through. Well, I'm at 2 out of 4 right now, and I should hit the 3rd one later next week. This leaves me with one last one.
  • Went out and golfed last weekend at sunrise. What a disaster!! My game has gone to shit. My drives and long irons were fine, but everything else was a disaster. 39 putts on top of only hitting 3 greens in regulation. Posted a 99 on a very easy course. Will be spending the next couple of weeks working on my chipping and putting.
  • Hellboy II is coming out this summer. Loved the first one.

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