Apr 12, 2008

Hillary Clinton = Herm Edwards?

Most casual NFL fans remember the ending of a game back in 1977 between the Giants and the Eagles. The Giants were up 6 or so with 30 seconds on the clock; they had the ball at their own 20 and all they had to do was to run out the clock........

Barack Obama can see the finish line. All he has to do is run out the clock. Some even say that Hillary's only hope is to wish for a monumental error by Obama - lacking that, there's no way she wins.


"You go into these small towns in Pennsylvania and, like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing's replaced them," Obama said. "And they fell through the Clinton Administration, and the Bush Administration, and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are gonna regenerate and they have not. And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."

I have failed to appreciate how big of a deal this truly is until today. You have one last primary - Pennsylvania - that has a TON of rural, blue-collar, lower-middle class workers as voters. Those voters are pro-gun and mostly pro-religion. And you say that they hold those beliefs because they are bitter? They just turned to God in 1992 when the recession hit? Did Jesus die in 1987 - and before that Pennsylvania was not a religious state?
How could he willing say something so....snobbish? (Note the "they"s that he uses). Note the way he infers that guns or religion or anti-immigrant is wrong and something to be explained away.... "Now you really don't believe in that religion stuff,right Mr. Voter?" How out of touch can he be?
Do any Democrats study history from, oh, 1988? People do not elect politicans who they perceive to be out of touch. How many examples do people need?

1988: Dukakis in the tank.
1992: George HW Bush going to a grocery store and was amazed at the scanner.
2004: John Kerry windsurfing on his vacation

And now 2008: Barack Obama thinks the only reason those pro-gun, God-fearing people believe in that crap is because they are "frustrated". If only the economy was better, these poeple would see the light and would back us on gun control! And they'd see no need for Jesus!

And they'd be for free-trade just like us enlightened people! (Oh wait - we just had a primary in Ohio where Barack and Hillary tried to compete in the "I Hate NAFTA the most" contest". How again does Barack's statement above jive with the Ohio campaign.

So now this is the opening for Hillary. I should say, Hillary "I LOVE The NRA! Yes I Do!" Clinton:

She described herself as a pro-gun churchgoer, recalling that her father taught her how to shoot a gun when she was a young girl and said that her faith “is the faith of my parents and my grandparents.”

Oh my God. From 1999: Stepping up the Clinton Administration's campaign against gun violence, Hillary Rodham Clinton used an emotional White House ceremony today to call on Americans to press Congress to ''buck the gun lobby'' and pass several gun control measures.

But enough about Hillary. This is about Obama - he has dropped the ball big time. The statement above actually puts into words the concerns that some Democrats have about Obama - he can't win the needed swing states like Ohio, Pennsylvania and Michigan because of beliefs like this.
Basically - the concern is that Obama is a snob and can't win outside the "latte liberal" vote. He is George McGovern, 40 years later. The main problem: he can't hide it, Hillary knows this weekness and has the trump card that is the complete opposite of Obama - her husband.

Obama has dropped the ball late in the game. Will Hillary pick up the ball and run for a miracle win - just like Herm Edwards 30 years ago?

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