Feb 25, 2008


A quick shout out to one of my favorite characters in one of the best shows of all time, Omar Little!! A gay hitman running the streets of Baltimore was very original and classic. I knew he was going to die, but I'm not too sure if I liked the way they did this.


jorge blogsada said...

You feel me...
I can see his demise as being kind of poetically random, but what a let down. It was really setting up to be a fantastic dark hero, revenge plot.

The last couple of episodes have gotten back on the rails. I'm starting to enjoy the mcnulty plot line a little more, but this whole season feels a little uneven after the amazing season 4. I guess in a sense it makes sense for the cops to finally nail the kingpin instead of the street crusader. For me, Bunk has been the star of season 5. He seems to have finally awakened from his booze induced coma of uselessness and bitterness. It's good to see him back on his game.

jorge blogsada said...
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4micah said...

It was sad to see Omar get got. Unfortunately, the theme to this show has always been "there are no happy endings." I'm anxiously awaiting the final 2 episodes, but I somehow know they will probably leave me feeling miserable rather than uplifted. That being said, I will be sad to see it end.