Feb 5, 2008

Super Tuesday

Happy Super Tuesday!!! I just want to make a quick political comment. Let's not hand the Republican nomination to McCain. Don't underestimate Southern CA hatred for McCain. Illegal Immigration is the #1 issue amoung voters down here and he has been on the hotseat for the last two years. The most popular drive time show has been hammering McCain non stop, and they are doing their "political suicide" promo on McCain. Political suicide is a term they use for voting for the other candidate just because the popular candidate won't listen to the voters on a major issue. This worked when they went against Gray Davis and got Arnold into office. And they did this last year and got several key Republican Congressman out of office. While they are promoting Democrats into office, they believe that this will change the attitude and the stance of the Republicans on very important issues.

In the primary this is very bad for McCain, but in the general (if he can get there) it will be great. In CA, only registered Republicans can vote for Republicans. Independents can only vote for Democrats. So Romney's hard stance, while we are still not sure if he is telling the truth, really cateers to Republicans in the OC and San Diego and could give him a boost to pick up a win in CA.

Just sitting here now on the couch watching some really crappy TV:
  1. What not to wear- I'm home sick today, and I'm watching this show on TLC called "What not to wear". So a gay guy and some tramp shows up to your door, tells you that everyone thinks that you are a terrible dresser and then change you into new trampy cloths. Um, why does everyone go along with this. If they showed up at my doorstep, they would get punched in the grill.
  2. Water births- So there was an ad on TLC promoting a show on water births. Who the fuck wants to do that????
  3. Gauntlet III- This is shaping up to be a great season. I just can't wait for the Veterans to lose.


Layup said...

0-18 on my predictions. looks like I'm ready for Vegas.

laurad said...

I guess I now need to decide who to vote for... Never thought my primary vote would count for anything! This may be a first in my voting lifetime. It's pretty clear that the nominee will be running against McCain.

Some thoughts:
Is Obama really more electable? Polls show him beating McCain with Hillary behind, but it's hard to believe that any republican nominee can win with the huge Democratic turnout in the primaries. And if I have to choose between women and young voters to actually show up on election day, I think that's a no-brainer.

How does Obama stack up one-on-one with McCain? I think he looks weak and inexperienced which may not play well in the general even though it plays well in the primary. But that McCain is OLD and particularly un-cool. Will the desire to "have a beer" with Obama get him elected?

What happens to Obama-McCain in the event of a terrorist attack or huge overseas event? I think Hillary wouldn't skip a beat, but Obama would be destroyed. You can't ever underestimate the number of fraidy-cats in this country. But maybe his calm and cautioned approach would be a better contrast to John (100 years in Iraq) McCain.

Does Obama become a target for every racist whack job out there? Does the risk of assasination overshadow his campaign if there are threats or attempts on his life between now and the election?

I'm completely at a loss. Hillary is clearly more prepared for the job, but Obama would make things interesting and I think he's got better judgement.

The thing that bugs me with him is that he feels he can just ride into town, pronounce change, and expect everyone to fall at his feet. The truth is that the only way we're going to get change in washington is to elect overwhelming majorities to the senate and house. Clinton, on the other hand, has Bill. How many things will he screw up over the next 4-8 years? Ugh.

Layup said...

I was listening to Air America the other day and learned the following:

1. How can Obama or Hillary be a change candidate? They both work for the system that everyone already hates?

2. Many people are disgusted with the fact that two large states had their delegates pulled. Don't you think that this will have an adverse impact in the general election?

Then I discovered at my voting place, that the Republican party won't allow Independents to vote in their primary. I came across two different people in the OC that were registered independent, went to go vote for the Republican primary, and was told that they couldn't, but that they could for the democrats. And they did!!! So the large turnout might be a little inflated. Also, as you stated, how much money do you want to bank in trusting the youth vote to come out twice in one year. Especially if it is Hillary they are supposed to go out and vote for.