Feb 21, 2008

Does the NYT want the Republicans to win?

The following email sent from (multiple) readers to the National Revier echo my thoughts exactly:

I'm the typical conservative who has not been happy with the McCain ascendancy, but the NYTimes has accomplished what Tojo did with Pearl Harbor. They have awoken a sleeping giant. We have been reminded who the real enemy is and it is not Senator McCain. I'm ordering my bumper sticker today.

You have to be completely naive - or an idiot - to guess that this "hit" job on McCain in the NYT wouldn't invigorate the right. The NYT had to know the right would awaken and unite if one of their sworn enemies- the liberal media - goes after the candidate with an "R" by his name.

We can debate the merits of the piece another time, but it's clear to me that the NYT has saved McCain at least 2 months of work by uniting the Right behind McCain.

The question needs to be asked - was it intentional? Or are they really that politically deaf?

1 comment:

Layup said...

What's sad is that what we slam the "liberal media" on is exactly what the right is doing with this story. Sloppy investigation into the story. The article is an excellent article about how slimy McCain is with many different lobbyist. There is a total of two small paragraphs about his "alleged" relationship with this female lobyist.

Will this unite the right? I don't know. But the right has taken the focus off the true meaning of the article and basically stated that the article is only about McCain and this other women, when its about how much of a typical politician McCain was and continues to be. Great job by the right, but it's sad that we continue to let this happen.

If I was the editor of the Times and I wanted to slam McCain, these would of been two different stories, or I would of just left out the "other women" part, which really doesn't have anything to do with the story.