Sep 30, 2009


So last night while I was trying to forget about the items that awaited me at the office today, I went onto Facebook, signed up and then spent some stalking. Here are some of the highlights on my findings:

  • 3 degrees of separation from my ex Amy- Funny thing. I went to my friend's Sooz page and for some reason clicked on her friend Tark. And one of Tark's friends happened to be one of my old high school friend's Nicole Topper. Then on her friends list was my ex girlfriend Amy. Very strange.
  • The most amusing friends list was Currier. What the hell is going on there Curr?
  • I'm going to dedicate a full evening on Kermit's pictures and friends list.
  • After about an hour of stalking, Carol pointed out to me a feature available on facebook of "Who is checking you out." Great. Grand. Wonderful. So everyone I looked up last night will know that I was on their page.
  • If I can get my iphone to work, expect me up on a twitter account shortly. We are working on getting Eric up and running on twitter as well.

Now off to deliver a bunch of layoff notices. Fun Fun Fun.


The Dudeman said...

It's technically only 2 degrees of separation. Both Nicole Topper and Amy both work in my office building. I run into one or both of them at least once a month.

But I suppose it's still 3 degrees of Facebook separation.

Layup said...

That's right. I forgot about that. Still bringing her candy?

mer said...

Unfortunately, I have to keep Facebook relatively clean. I have work and family friends including a 13 and 17 year old niece.

The Dudeman said...

No, I save that little maneuver for the ladies after you break up with them.

Don't get divorced from Carol. I really don't want to drive all the way to Cali to deliver a box of melted chocolates.

Schillzilla said...


The 21st Century