Mar 16, 2009

Etiquette question

For the trip, are we allowed to text anyone at any hour? Say, at 4 am, an empty craps table is there......I will text Mike to sneak out of the room (without Don) and join me. Allowed? Any hours where texting/phoning is not welcome? Or are we all on 7-Eleven time?


laurad said...

Are you kidding? It would be in poor taste for you not to extend such an invitation. Plus, time of day has no meaning in vegas.

And look how far we've advanced technologically since 2003-back then you would just go around knocking on everyone's doors in the middle of the night.

Layup said...

Agreed with Laura. I would be offended if you did not text me. If I'm really tired, then I will turn my phone off.

Don't we need twitter? So we can send mass texts to everyone instead of just a couple of people.

mer said...

I may be in a different hotel, but I expect the texts.

Next Adventure said...

I think your Vegas trip sounds like the perfect use of Twitter: