Jun 2, 2008

Travelers and golf

Sorry to all the insurance people out there, but I do like the new Travelers ad...


How's the golf game, you ask? Well, I think I'm the short circus ringleader in the ad. So substitute "boat" for swing, have Layup be Mr. Travelers, and it sums up the state of my game right now.

Layup: "Where's your swing?"
Me: "There's no swing!"
Layup: "No swing?"
Me: "It will be back....(muttering)....es un disastro!"
Layup: "Well, maybe you can fade the ball again?"
Me: "Fade it?"

To salvage the 2008 season, I need that God damn Red Umbrella IMMEDIATELY.

I better step on the tee no later than June 15th, hit the ball, and exclaim (like Mr. Circus in the ad): "There it is!"

(PS - so who is the ugly, shirtless circus sidekick in the ad? Is that Don? Or Kermit?)

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