Jun 22, 2008

Ah, college girlfriends...

So we got our "Case Alumni" magazine in the mail the other day. As I was browsing through it, there was a page in there for alumni to write about memories they have of their favrorite professor. One student wrote about a physics professor that I knew but never had, and I didn't give it much attention - until the end.

At the bottom, there was a request from the magazine for people to submit stories about specific professors. One of them was a Systems Engineering professor - my major - that I did not like and that Janice hated with a passion. The best way to describe him would be - hmmmm....... Mort Goldman from "Family Guy" crossed with the Comic Book Guy from "The Simpsons". Yes, that scary - and he actually wore spandex to class a few times.

Anyway, I thought it'd be fun to show Janice the article and ask her to submit a letter about this Systems professor. She reads the request, laughs, and then rads the original article about the physics professor.

"Why did you show this to me? You know who wrote this article, right?"

No, I didn't check to see who wrote it. I look at it again - it was my first girlfriend from the dorm - a two week fling that should not have happened. She was a band enthusiast - I know, I know - from Pittsburgh, of all places. Ugh. And all my friends (and most others in the dorm) gave her the name of "ButtCut" since her hair was parted in the middle and feathered high on both sides.

Wow - 1989 hair styles.

It was a rebound relationship, after my high school girlfriend didn't talk to me for the 2-3 weeks before I left Sacramento for Cleveland. And something that all the people who knew me freshman year still make fun of me for.

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