Jun 17, 2008

Random notes and golf update

Well, tomorrow is the annual rite, the 36 hole US Publinx Qualifier. This year, Don and I are trying our luck in Middletown at the Weatherwax golf course. Don's tee time is 8:30; mine is at 9:00. Going with tradition, Don has secured a teenage boy for me to be my caddy. I wouldn't have it any other way!

I was reading some of the old posts and came across the summary of the 2006 qualifier here. Forgot about this post and the stories from Don/Kermit in the comments.

Lines for tomorrow:

36 hole total:
Don -2.5

over 161.5 -110
under 161.5 -110

over 158.5 -110
under 158.5 -110

Post your betting choices before we get back at 8 pm tomorrow.

Random notes:

- Why does Annika, Charles Howell, and Chi Chi get to drive a Lexus, but Raymond has someone to drive him?
- If someone filmed me running from the backside, I'm sure I'd look like Raymond in the commercial.
- Johnny Miller can not read greens. He misread the 18th green at least 4 separate times over the weekend during the telecast.

- How to make a craps table hot? Well, the hillbilly I played craps with on Friday night told me this simple rule. Place an $11 bet on the "Big 8" on the comeout! And sure enough, once he did that, the table got hot for 90 minutes. A couple of caveats:
First, the bet needs to be placed so that the chips are perfectly on the top circle of the "8". Also, if it is after midnight, then you move the Big 8 bet to the Big 6.

As Billy Dee Williams would say, "works every time!"

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