Nov 3, 2007

Gotta get that picture off the screen

I think I can finally rationalyl talk about the Red Sox win. Two quick comments that popped into my head after last weekend:

1) The A-Rod thing. Yes, of course, it was horrible timing to have A-Rod and Boras announce his free agency during game 4. Of course they should be villified.

But who's the silent partner in all this? It's the media. To hear:
a) Gammons go OFF on the timing of the announcement, and then
b) hear ESPN sportscenter devote 10 minutes to the subject that Monday
is pure hypocrisy, plain and simple.

Look, if ESPN, Fox and such think that A-Rod shouldn't upstage the World Series, then don't let them. Buck doesn't have to talk about it. ESPN could put it at minute 45 of SportsCenter. But no, they are willing players in all of this. It makes me sick.

2) So you are Bill Belichick. You have, in your mind, the greatest team ever assembled in NFL history. Last Sunday - however - you felt delegated to second-class citizens because the Red Sox were about to win the World Series.

Monday morning would be focused on the Sox sweeping the Series and not being focused on the pure domination of the Sox. So - what could possibly upstage the Sox on Sunday?

That's right - running up the score against a classy guy, thus ensuring that you will be talked about even as the Sox win the Series that night.

It's a plausible explanantion that no one has covered yet. Belichick did that against the Skins to try to upstage the Sox.

3) Football: Yes, I can't wait for the 4:00 game on Sunday between two teams with exciting quarterbacks, thick in the middle of the division race, playing in front of a raucous crowd with a lot on the line. The result will go a long way in determining playoff position. I will be watching intently.....
oh yeah, and the Pats-Colts are on at the same time as well........hmmmm... maybe I'll catch 5 minutes of that meaningless Pats-Colts game.

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