Mar 26, 2006

Verne Lundquist

I will put a post up later once I fully comprehend what happened today.

But first, I must say a few words about the world's most underrated announcer, Verne Lundquist.

Think of the top few lasting images from CBS Sports over the years - Verne was there.

1) 1986, Verne was on the 17th green at the Masters.
"Maybe..... YES SIR!"

2) 1992, Verne was in East Rutherford
"There's the pass ... to Laettner..... YES!!!!!'

3) 2005, Verne was on the 16th green at the Masters.
"Here's the chip.... now down the about this...... OOOOOHHHHHH!"

4) And he was in Washington DC today
"Brown for 3....NO GOOD........By George, the dream is alive!"

Can anyone think of any calls by Nantz (God, I hate him)? Enberg? Gus Johnson (besides "AAAHHHHH" in random games)

If I could pick one play by play announcer to narrate my life, it will have to be Verne Lundquist, hands down.


Schillzilla said...

I always LOVE to hear:

"And now the Terrapins start out mantaman!!!"

I think Bill Raferty is really underrated as a color guy. I know you were talking more about Play by Play people, but I had to chime...

Eric Z said...

Absoutely correct about Raftery. And he thanks the coach, too, for going man to man.

"And the Orange - thank you, Jimmy Boeheim - are mantaman!!!"