Mar 15, 2006

Thoughts While Driving to Vegas...

Leland here, blogging from Derek's laptop while driving to Vegas. We're currently going about 100 mph trying to make up time from sitting in a traffic jam from a road re-paving. While I look at the screen to type, we are whizzing by trucks so fast that they are literally just a blur in my peripheral vision. If we live, we should be there in about 90 minutes!

Actual exchange while listening to XM coverage of the Korea vs Japan WBC game:

Announcer: SK Lee up to bat, the #3 hitter for the Korean team
Derek: (interrupting the announcer) Why the fuck would you pitch to this guy?!?!
Announcer: ...Ball three, and it's obvious that they are not pitching to Lee
Me: oh my, you have a problem.

Did I just hear someone refer to Chan Ho Park as fantastic? Is this 1999? Did BK Kim shut down the US the other day? Is this bizarro baseball world? Can anyone make sense of this?


Buck Super Stereo said...

i'm so jealous on two fronts....

1) i was literally within in minutes of derek and couldn't fucking make the time to hang with him.

and 2) you had the ability to punch derek in the cock for having a valid comment on the #3 hitter for Korea.

kick the shit out of vegas boys.

derek....put 50 on the over for the royals for me. there's no way they're losing 100 for the 3rd straight year. or 4th in 5. wait...

do it. my gumpshion is in full tow.

RRD said...

And if "made it there safely" you mean "so I can lay bets through you", I can confirm their arrival.

Go 'Cuse!