Dec 26, 2009

This shit is crazy

Not good crazy, bad crazy. I'm so sleep deprived I'm actually blacking out. I don't even remember getting up in the middle of the night and helping carol with the baby. Apparently I did, several times actually, but I really don't remember a thing. Things have been so bad that I accidentally opened a 04 Cab I was saving for....actually I don't know what the reason was but I was saving it for something and ended up drinking it out of a plastic cup as I took Morgan for a 2 hour walk to calm her down and put her to sleep. Yes, drank a BV 04 Cab out of a plastic cup.

Some other highlights:

1. I've spent more time on Itunes buying lullaby music than on my fantasy teams. Let's just say I'm out in everyone of my fantasy leagues and I'm knee deep in some new age piano/wave music.

2. It took me one hour to drive to Baby's R Us, buy a humidifier, eat at Chick-a- Fillet, and return home, but it took me almost 90 minutes to get out the door to do these things.

3. Speaking of Baby's R Us, fuck them. Fuck everyone in that place. What a fucking rip off. I wouldn't step foot in that place if people didn't send us gift cards. So overpriced, the employees are absolute idiots, and the merchandise seems dirty. I've fallen in love with Amazon.

4. Almost got in an accident today because I was playing UTH on my i phone. I can't stop playing. No sleep and trying to read my phone to see if I was go 4 times or check caused me to swerve into the lane next to me. I stopped playing for 5 minutes and then resumed.

5. I'm going to video tape Morgan the next time she goes into one of her 3 hour scream fests that sends me over the edge so people believe me. Spent yesterday down at Carol's friends house and Morgan slept the entire time. I'm then going to save this and use it as a reason why I'm not going to pay for a $100K wedding or allow her to wear skirts.

1 comment:

Eric Z said...

#2: Get used to it. If you need to be somewhere by 11, and it's a 10 minute drive, start getting ready at 9:30.

#3: completely agree. That place is a dump. I'd rather eat off the floor of a Wal-Mart.

I'll know you are truly sleep deprived if I see you wager on the Bronws- GIVING poinrts - today.