May 20, 2009

What the hell is going on out there.

Don't mean to post on top of Eric's post below, but this guy has angered me so much that I need to get a couple things off my chest. Mind you this is on the front page of the LA Times.

The biggest thing he forgets to point out is that our taxes were just increased. This was passed based on the fact that it was only a temporary basis. These props that were voted down yesterday would be to make these taxes permanent and allow them to tap into additional funds that are set aside for specific reasons. So that's like me setting aside money for my kids college tuition, and then I lose my job but I want to go to Vegas still and I want to tap into that college fund. This is what they are trying to do right now. And the Dems and Republicans are not having any of it.

So let me get this straight people. You fight over the budget for months, come up with a temporary tax increase to hold us over during the downtime, then realize that you miscalculated the amounts and we are now $21 billion in the hole and want to increase it even more and then make it permanent? Come on.

How can this guy not come to the conclusion that there is no trust in our state government to spend our money wisely. Yes, people don't want cuts in certain categories, but there is no faith that if we do agree to higher taxes that this money will be used wisely or the tax rate will be reduced in a time of prosperity. We are already taxed the most compared to any other state and people and corporations are fleeing the state because of this. And for some reason you can't see that.

And this brings me to another point. Wouldn't Obama build up so much trust with us if he just accepted the banks repayment of the TARP funds now? What a win on both sides. He can come out and state that of the $1 trillion spent on the banks, X% has already been repaid with X% planned on being repaid by this date? And to think what this would do for the investor confidence who thinks that his administration is just spending and spending with no plan. I think that it would be such a huge win. But the longer there are stories about his administration not allowing banks to repay, people will continue to think that he's got something up his sleeve.

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