Jan 7, 2009

Golf Tourney

For those of you that might be interested, the PGA Golf Pool is just about to start up. There is still time to join. Right now we have RRD, Wiz, Lee, Eric, my Dad, and myself, with Don and Mike on the verge. If anyone is interested in joining, this is easily the best run pool that I've been apart of and its only $100 for 41 weeks of entertainment. That's only $2.41 a week!!! What a value.

Also, I'm setting the over on text messages between the group for tomorrow's opening round at 90.

And for the newbies that are just joining the tourney, please study the above picture. This man will crush your heart and screw up your entire tournament. He is the devil and if I have a chance I will kick him in the nuts when I see him.


Eric Z said...

I don't understand...Fred Savage is the devil?

RRD said...

I'm still bitter about Loren Roberts, Kirk 'Four-putt' Triplett, and Mike Weir, circa 2004.