Jan 18, 2009

Depressing Sunday night

Random thoughts from a cold snowy night:

1) It does depress me that the Cardinals made the Super Bowl. Jesus, if the Cardinals can do it, why can't (or haven't) the Browns? Is 1986 (actually, January, 1987) the closest we will come?

(by the way, sorry to the Eagles fan(s) out there).

2) I admit it, when it comes to Ravens-Steelers, I am a bad person. We watched the 4th quarter helmet to helmet collision of McGahee and a Steeler..... Janice actually showed some sympathy toward the players. I calmly said: "Stop it. It's a Raven and a Steeler - both down. A good outcome".

3) Went roller skating Friday night with the kids - and ended up doing "YMCA" on the rink floor. All we needed was a "Defender" arcade game, and it would be 1984 again. Ah, those days at "Skateland" in Cockeysville off of York Road - where the "Advance Business Systems" headquarters is now located.

4) Our country is raising a bunch of wimps. THe kids got off school on Friday because - well, because it was cold. In the morning, it was -3 degrees F outside - and sunny. So what? Bundle up! Get on the bus!

5) Watched a lot of college basketball on Saturday. Let me just say one thing - someone, on the court, whether a player, coach or ref, will be killed by a spectator within the next 20 years. Just watch these two videos - which, if you think about it, are kind of scary - and prove me wrong.

a) Wiz's old classmates at Clemson;
b) Hey, I'm just sticking up for my brother! (the fun starts around the 1:30 mark; watch the person coming down the stairs in the upper right part of the video)

If fans can get this close to the players, it's not a big leap of fate to predict something more ominous could conceivably happen.

6) Two months to go until Vegas! 59 days and counting.

7) Layup went to Vegas - and a classic scenario unfolded, one we all can relate to.
At 1:35 pm Eastern time on Saturday, I got a text from him. "Heading for the Craps table at Bellagio - wish me luck!"


At 1:51, the phone rang.


"Hi...", a shocked Layup said. "That was brutal!"

Let's not have any 15 minute craps sessions in March, ok?

1 comment:

Layup said...

The sad thing is that the Bellagio craps run was a lot better than the South Point craps run the next day. Two times around the table with no points hit or comes for that matter. What a disaster.