Jan 17, 2013

Quick notes: Cambodia

Yes, way behind on the blogging. I have put up 3 posts today to help restart the action here on the blog.

As you may have known (from the week 17 writeup), we went to Cambodia - Siem Reap - for 3 days. Siem Reap is home ot one of the largest temples in Asia, Angkor Wat. This was built in the 11th century by Buddhists. Pretty fascinating; the stones are meshed so well together in the tem
plate that no mortar was needed; the rocks were so flush you could barely - and I mean barely - see the separation line between the rocks.

We went at sunrise one morning (wake up call: 4:30 with the boys. Very difficult) to see the sun rise over the temple. This is the best shot I got.

Other shots:

1. I never get tired of seeing random Asians wearing random US sports gear. Here we are inside Angkor Wat, and along comes a group of Koreans (I think; however, you all know I am bad at recognizing Koreans) walking past us.

One of them is outfitted in a nice Tribe jersey/t-shirt.

I managed to get a picture; I'm sure this guy was muttering "WTF" to himself.

2. Home court advantage: we went on a tour of a "floating" village. There is a huge lake nearby, so we drove down there, got on a boat, and boated for 30 minutes touring the people that live in boats on the water. That is their life - fishing and bartering, and living on boats.

Don't think this is 2000 BC primitive, however....they have schools, stores, and TV. Yes, electricity in these boats.

And then there was this.....a floating cage of some sort. It is a basketball court where the school plays.

I was intimidated just looking at it.

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