Sep 15, 2012

Summary of a night out

The two older boys had a birthday party to go to last night (laser tag!), so Janice, Martin and I teamed up with another family (that had 2 boys also attending the party, so their 21 month old daughter came along) and we went out to an unknown restaurant in Guangzhou. It served Yunnan food,which is a province in Southern China - bordering on Myanmar, Thailand and Laos. The food was reviewed as "tasty, but not overwhelmingly spicy". Ok, we will give it a shot.

What a night. First, the beer:

"Wind, Flower, Snow & Moon Beer".  I think there were flecks of opium in there as well. Guaranteed to put you to sleep in 2 hours!

Then - the arrival of the food. We sat in the center of the restaurant at a round table - so almost all patrons in the restaurant can see when our food arrived:

We ordered 8-9 dishes in all, and only 2 of them arrived on the top of the waiter's head!

Then, the entertainment! Around 7 pm, a show was put on by the staff (who you can see were all wearing the native costumes). This lasted about 10 minutes.....I'm sure there is an ancient story behind it that I am blissfully unaware of.....
(having trouble uploading....)

As you can tell by Martin's reaction in the video above - yes, it was quite loud.

Finally, we have the audience participation piece of the night! Yes, of course, the restaurant staff had a dance where they did a "Locomotion" type dance around the room....and of course they would pick the American in the yellow shirt!

All in all, a great night. A review of the food is in the next post. We will have to get Freddie and Warren back here at some point to experience it.


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