Feb 17, 2010

Two quick questions

Two questions that will make you think:

1. I am wrapping Freddie's brithday presents; one of the presents is a gift from Warren which is Chinese Checkers. Nice! On the box, it notes that it is "made in China".

Do the workers actaully know what they are making? Or do they have no clue what this bastardized game really is? Is this the equivalent of "Taco Bell" to Mexicans? Or Sbarro to Sicilians?

2. Was watching the women's downhill skiing and saw two horrific falls by some Europeans. (For clips, go here. ).

Is it bad that my first thought is:
"Hey - they crossed the finish line. I wonder what their time was? That last split must have been pretty bad".

They don't actually get a DNS for this, do they?

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