Feb 8, 2007

Maintain Radio Silence

Sorry for being MIA, but I'm personally being sued for defamation of character on some ex-employees that I terminated early last year. Its been a killer week.

But I would like to take a second and thank Tony Dungy for not kicking that field goal late in the game that would of screwed my under and my Teaser. Why didn't you kick that FG? That would of put you up by 2 touchdowns with 1:41 left. I almost cried when I didn't see the kicker come out on the field. One of the happiest moments in my life. Thanks!


Don said...

If it makes you feel any better, you can call me anything you want ...but with one condition ...you bring the Gooch t-shirt to Vegas for your brother. (re-call his declaration that the Cavs had wrapped up their division and were headed to the finals)

Eric Z said...

First, how can I gooch something when I'm predicting they will get killed in the playoffs?

The Colts failure to kick the FG was great...now if the Bears actually went down the field and scored a meaningless TD with :01 left to make the score 29-24....well, that would have been the #1 back door cover of all time.