Nov 3, 2013

Random Notes

1. It's a bad idea to put Lotrimin on what turns out to be a mosquito bite on your foot. Just nasty.

2. What does Lotrimin do - rip off the top 1/8" of your skin chemically?

3. Should all this Lotrimin talk be filed under "Too Much Information"?

4. Had to have an alcohol talk with Freddie this week - a 13 year old girl (Italian, if that matters!) bought a bottle of vodka at the corner shop and drank half of it last weekend. She was found unconscious on the sidewalk next to her vomit. Better do the sex talk now, while we are at it.

5. I heard the story from a parent last Sunday --- so I asked Freddie on Sunday if he had knew this girl. "No" was the answer. I asked again on Tuesday.... "yes! She's the one that drank the vodka, right?" Middle school networks are very effective.

6. Tried to play rugby (touch!) with the older kids over the last 2 weekends. I have no idea what I am doing. I lateral the ball, then go downfield 5 yards. "What are you doing???" Oh yeah, no forward passes. No blocking in this league, either.

7. Thanks for finally moving your clocks back, guys. I now get an extra hour of sleep on Sunday nights.....

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