Nov 12, 2013

Caption time!

Time to let your imagination run wild!

Martin and I were walking back from soccer on Saturday - and as we entered our housing complex, we saw a big commotion by the sidewalk next to the lake. There were at least 10 people from the housing staff gathered around.

We went closer - and this is what we saw.

So many questions from this picture:

1. Yes, that is a golf cart in the lake. The staff have golf carts that they use to run around the complex.

2. Yes, that is a guy crawling out of the lake.

3. That's a nice oil sheen on the lake.

4. Yes, that's about a 3-foot tall metal fence that protects the sidewalk from the lake. It is actually very sturdy, and there was no gap in the fence all along the lake (before the cart busted it down).

Thoughts on possible explanations on how this occurred?

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