Feb 8, 2012

State of the art Airports

Well, you know the drill by now. 7-8 days of silence followed by one day of 3 or 4 posts crammed together. Today is your lucky day, dear reader!

As most of you know from past posts, we went to Thailand for Chinese New Year. We spent the first few days in Chiang Mai and then went to the southeastern island of Ko Chang.

In order to get to Ko Chang, you flew from BKK in a prop plane (Freddie and Warren both asked - is that a real plane???) for 45 minutes and landed at the small town/city of Trat. From there, you took a van and a ferry to the island.

The Trat airport was built in the late 1990's and should have a movie shot there in the near future. It is what you'd imagine an isolated, tropical airport to be. Where is Higgins --- or Tattoo?

The first picture is from the runway (we were on a golf cart heading to the plane on departure) looking back at the airport. The entire airport.

The second picture is the departure "lounge" - simply an open air hut (with a 2 foot fence around it, for security reasons!). The golf cart you see is the one that took us to the plane.

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