Jun 15, 2011

US Open thoughts

Hi all....I know it's been a while since there's been a posting here - we've had computer problems (a week of the blue screen on startup), and life has been extremely busy.

But it is Open week! It's going to be weird to get home from work tomorrow, eat dinner, play with the kids, put them in bed.....and then go to the Slingbox and turn on ESPN to start watching the Open.

I'm truly excited for the tournament. It's wide open - and that's good. It should set up for a crowded finish, with 8-10 people within 2 shots of the lead. Everyone in the top 10 right now has flaws.....

(which means Ben Curtis will be your winner? Hey,he's got a good track record at Avenel.....)

Some quick takes on the tournament matchups on VIP: here's who I like (ok, here's who I love:)

Westwood -105 over Donald
Kaymer -115 over D Johnson
F Molinari -115 over Quiros
Glover -125 over Els
Poulter -105 over Snedeker
Vegas -115 over Fisher
Manassero -110 over Casey
Day +105 over Toms

8-way Parlay action!


Irish said...

Did you mean Villegas? Vegas didn't qualify

Eric Z said...

Um, no...VIP still has a bet available: Jhonathan Vegas vs Ross Fisher.....

is this the lock of the year? Betting against someone who is not even playing?????

RRD said...

Great prognostication.