Jun 18, 2011


Something random for a Saturday: T-shirts.

Most of the T-Shirts that native Chinese are wearing have words in English.As you can imagine, the English on the shirts are mangled...

...but even on those where the English is not mangled, the T-shirts makes no sense.

I should keep a running list of confusing/hilarious/odd shirts that I have seen; the three that I saw over the past week:

"World Wide Wet" (with drops of water coming from the words)

"My Green in Greener than your Life" (the T-shirt had a camoflauge design)


"Who the F*** is Mick Jagger? (yes, the word was spelled correctly on the shirt)

I just wonder who makes these shirt designs. Fascinating.

1 comment:

SteveB said...

I want the Mick Jagger shirt!