Aug 10, 2009

Ah, memories

Got out the old Monopoly board to teach Freddie and Warren the grand old game of Monopoly. Their first few attempts at trading were hilarious.

Warren (to Freddie): "I'll trade you my "Get out of Jail Free" card for all of your $500 bills!

Freddie (later, to Warren): "I'll trade for your railroad (he already had 3, needed the 4th) for $50!"

I helped engineer a 3-way trade involving the 4th RR, Virginia, North Carolina and Oriental.

(This brings back memories of playing Monopoly with the guys at my first job at TASC....I think people still talk about the 4-way trade I held up because I inisisted on receiving Reading RR and not Short Line. No one freaking lands on Short Line!)

I was so busy explaining all the rules that, during the first time I went around the board, I landed on Free Parking - but I forgot to put $500 in the Kitty! Dammit.... Layup and I always put $500 in Free Parking to start the game. I did that at college and several people looked at me funny. Doesn't everyone put some sort of bonus in there?


Wiz said...

Can we somehow bring Monopoly out to Vegas next year?? One of my favorite games. Would love to dominate the Zahn brothers and take some of their $$!

Layup said...

Jorge Blogsada changed the game for me. The first time he played with me he introduced a controversial move of "you trade me that property and you will never have to pay rent when you land on it." Shocking. Nearly started a fight since it didn't involve me and I never thought you could do that move.

And yes, we will have a monopoly tourney in vegas. $200 entry fee, winner take all.