With Layup on vacation, let me fill the void by offering my take on the latest news out there, McLaughlin-style:
Issue 1. Ted Kennedy dies.
A loss for American politics, and I feel bad for the family and all involved. But let's be honest - does "Camelot" and the Kennedys really mean anything to anybody under the age of, 50? The Kennedy mystique was long ago and frankly, I never understood it. What made them special? Their youth? Their idealism? (You really could argue that JFK belongs in today's Republican party - he was no idealist.)
Teddy was an excellent lawmaker, and his presence and knowledge in the Senate will be missed by Americans. But why the national coverage? Will we have this outporing when Bob Dole dies? Newt Gingrich? Hell, Barbara Mikulski? I just don't get why the Kennedys - in 2009 - are still revered as national figures.
Issue 2. Court strikes down most of Delaware's proposal for Sports Gambling
I haven't been paying the most attention, but I guess Delaware wants to creat a lottery based on gambling on NFL games - and a federal court says they can only do it for parlays (3 teams or more).
Can't we make this into a Keno type game? You pick 3 or more games....
Pick 3 out of 3 right - win $5
Pick 4 / 4 - win $10
Pick 5 /5 - win $25
Pick 5 /5 - win $25
and so on....
and if you pick 10 teams, you win if you get 9 or 10 right. The prize for 10/10 could be $500 on a $1 ticket (true odds: 1024:1).
I mean, there's got to be something in here for everyone, right? Parlays for the NFL are popular and proven losers for the gamblers. Teh stae makes money, people are happy, Delaware schools are flushed with cash.....what's not to like?
This has got to be the coolest science article ever. My mid is officially boggled.
How in the hell did they do this?
Issue 4: Macaulay Culkin is father to one of Michael Jackson's children
Now my head is really spinning. I am speechless over this news. Just think of me as Jack Germond, sitting in the corner, saying "this country is going to hell".
The jokes, however, just write themselves.
Issue 5: Don loses 8 blackjack hands in a row in Indiana.
Good thing it was at a $5 table and so the losses were held to a minimum. Oh wait, hands #6, #7 and #8 were played for green chips.....