Jul 22, 2012

Jet lag and Prime Time Golf

Let's just say the two don't match.

I was all excited for the British Open, since it would be the 2nd major in a row that I could watch golf in prime time. The leaders would tee off around 9:30pm Sunday night, and I can watch as much as I want...if it's boring, I would go to bed; if it is exciting, the adrenalin would keep me up.....

But I forgot to take into account the jet lag factor.

We landed back here in China Wed night (more on that later); and the first day (Thursday) was not so bad. Friday was rough; Saturday was a little better. However, Janice nor I are sleeping through the night yet, and the whole house is all tired out around 8 am. (I was awoken by Martin at 6 am Friday as he said "Daddy -the sun is shining! It's time to be awake!" after being up from 1-4 am).

Anyway, so I started the slingbox at 8 pm (8 am Eastern) and watched the early coverage. The boys were all ready for bed, and Martin fell asleep watching Bugs Bunny at 8:10. Perfect! The boys were in bed at 8:30, and Janice was done for the night. But then exhaustion started to creep in for me......

So I decided to bring the pillows out to the couch and set up shop; I turned out all the lights and started watching. I think, around 8:45, I remember thinking "well, now would a perfect time for a quick nap....."


I did awake around 10:30 or so, with the leaders on the 4th hole. I checked my phone, Scott still leading, tiger at -6.....and then the TV showed Tiger at -3. What?

But I was still too drowsy....I'll just shut my eyes and listen.....



Next thing I know, it's 2:30 am. Oh crap, I slept through it all. I felt refreshed, I checked my phone - WHAT THE HELL????

So then I spent the next hour watching highlights on the web. An epic collapse and I missed it.

By the way - on one more golf note - did you see the list of characters that entered into the PGA Tour event this week? This is the event that is opposite the British and usually has the worst field of the year.

The players scattered at the bottom of the board is like a who's-who of one-tournament winners from the 80s and 90s. Here were some of the actual entrants this week:

Mark Carnevale
Morris Hatalsky
Jim McGovern
Fulton Allem
Jim Gallagher Jr.
Blaine McAllister
John Inman
Robin Freeman
Ted Tryba

Wow. Those are some names from the vault. I wonder what Jim Benepe and Mike Nicolette are doing these days?

1 comment:

RRD said...

I'm embarrassed I recognize so many of those golfers.

Morris Hatalsky - first professional golfer I ever met in person, at a pro-am at my local club, circa 1984.
Jim McGovern - the goatee was better than his game.
Jim Gallagher Jr. -Saw him win the Anheuser Busch Golf Classic, circa 1993.
Blaine McAllister - Golfed right, putted left?
Ted Tryba - Had the one great year with double 61s.